Lessons Learned in Lockdown

Michael Hayes
Add Jam.
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2020



I’ve found myself working more during the lockdown. I guess for a while there was nothing else much to do (after I’d watched Last Dance and Tiger King) so I’d just pick up my laptop.

Often it would be working on an active project but sometimes it was nice to just mess about and learn a new skill or tool. Or even actually just make a wee app — One Walk A Day.

That’s led to one of my biggest learnings — trying to find a work/lockdown life balance. For me, that’s meant getting stuck into my garden and trying new things in the kitchen. It’s been liberating to just try new things with time and some focus that life out of lockdown wouldn’t give me.

I miss the office… some of the time

At Add Jam we’ve been set up for remote working from day one (we started the business pretty much while at University and working in coffee shops). Therefore the enforced remote working from lockdown didn’t have much of an impact if anything our output went up as we saved time commuting.

All that being said having a clear separation between workplace and home is important. I’m looking forward to spending a few days per week in the office, not so much for the social interaction but so that my work feels more than 5 foot away from me at any given time.

Call overload

Some people have adjusted to the new normal by filling their diary will calls. Video calls are great and have enabled many of us to keep working through lockdown but it can easily be abused.

I’ve found myself a few times caught in calls that could have been a two-line email or a quick chat on Slack. Now I try my best to ensure a call has a clear objective and where possible an agenda to keep everyone focussed, on track and get the most out of the call.

There’s a support network

Both personally and as a small business, I’ve benefitted from a support network. In both cases I’ve had friends and family checking in on me, making sure everything is ok I’ve been really fortunate.

I think anyone that has struggled through lockdown or is struggling in this post lockdown new normal in silence shouldn’t be. There are so many good-hearted, well-meaning people in our communities that are more than willing to help their peers. Some times the need for help isn’t evident, so please don’t be hesitant to ask for help.



Founder of @add_jam, creating products on iOS, Android & the Web. I’m a huge F1 & motorsport fan. Also founder of the @RookieOven coworking space in Glasgow.